Emotional abuse is more common than many of us realise and the sad thing is that many suffer in silence. Victims of emotional abuse live with someone who is irrational, unreasonable and who seems impossible to please. That’s because they are — you will exhaust yourself trying to keep an emotionally abusive person happy because, in reality, they are unhappy within themselves and project this onto a target person — someone they have identified as vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Below are the most common signs of emotional abuse:
- A loving, healthy relationship has no place for controlling behaviour. A partner who tries to dominate your life by telling you what to do, where you can go and what you can wear is trying to control you, it is not love. A balanced partner may not like you going somewhere that is perhaps dangerous or they may not approve of everything you do but they will rarely give you an order that you must obey. It’s all about communication and compromise in healthy happy relationships.
An abusive partner is often very insecure underneath. They mask this insecurity by criticising and belittling you to keep you in your place. They want you to have little confidence. The more you doubt yourself the easier you are to control and the more…