No one is given a manual on how to be a good parent. It is one of the most rewarding jobs but can also be one of the most frustrating. As parents, we are responsible for shaping the attitudes of young minds. Our children constantly learn from us through observing our behaviour. They watch us and see how we deal with life. The way we treat our children will affect how they see themselves and the world around them. I have put together a comprehensive list of the things that successful parents do not do:
1) Effective parents do not take their frustrations out on their children
Energy awareness is a vital skill for enjoying a calm and healthy life. Knowing the difference between positive energy (joy, enthusiasm, passion) and negative energy (stress,anxiety, anger) is the starting point. We are all susceptible to the stresses and strains of daily living. What we do with that stress can have varying consequences. When we take negative energy, such as frustration from our work, and project that onto our children, we allow our stress to affect those around us. Wise parents realise that they must find constructive ways to release their stress. Instead of picking on their children and creating petty rules as a legitimate way to project their stress, wise parents do their best to shield their children from their own…