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11 things that might make you happier — Thoughts on Life and Love
We can all do with a dose of happiness — I’ll never say no! So here are a few simple things to try to get that happiness boost…
Hug someone
Hugging someone releases oxytocin — a feel good hormone. It’s simialr to endorphins but longer lasting. Find someone and give them a hug. It’s good to get a squeeze and feel connected.
Right now, think about what is good in your lilfe. For me — I love my son and my dog. I feel happy knowing they are on this earth and that I can be around them. The sun is out today too — always cheers me up. Good girl friends with a great sense of humour…I have a nice home…when I focus on the good stuff insterad of wrrying about the bad stuff and what I can’t control it immediately helps me to feel happier.
Play with a pet
Pets are great for happiness and get used in many therapetic environments — old age homes, cancer wards and in schools. Animals help people to relax and sharing affection with them releases oxytocin — happy hormone.
Deep breaths
If you can, get outside and take deep breaths. When we breathe deeply it tells our brain that we are relaxed and not in danger. Our brain is constantly…