Love or Security?

Mandy Kloppers
2 min readJul 6, 2020


Love or Security?

This is a subject I feel very qualified to comment on. I have had both love and security, and will explain what the outcome was. Now I am not saying that love and security are mutually exclusive but it does seem that when I have focused on security, the love was missing or flawed. What’s more important to you? Love or security?

So, I dated men in the past who were wealthy and I thought this was what I needed in order to feel safe. I thought that money would give me the security I needed when in fact the security I really wanted most was emotional in nature.

Perhaps I have just been unlucky but the men that I have dated. They had money and were corporate types with little time left over for me.
Often they were emotionally unavailable and left me feeling undervalued and unloved. There was also an inequality that pervaded the relationship with them having more power and say over things due to the fact that they held the purse strings.
I have finally broken the pattern and gone for someone who gives me love and emotional security. It’s an amazing place to be!

I see it all the time with my clients — the wives of wealthy men end up having affairs and/or leaving their wealthy office-bound husbands for labourers, plumbers, gas fitters, and electricians.
Emotional support
These men earn less but offer emotional support far beyond what wealthy corporate husbands can offer.
Of course — I am generalising but I have noticed a pattern.

#caredfor #emotionalattachment #love #loved #relationships #Security



Mandy Kloppers
Mandy Kloppers

Written by Mandy Kloppers

Author, psychologist & blogger. Love tea, underdogs,kind people & my bed … CBT Counsellor/ Blog:

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