What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
If you talk to a psychiatrist or psychologist — many will tell you the most difficult type of personality to deal with is those with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. So what is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Narcissistic personalities are amongst the hardest patients for psychiatrists to treat, for the simple reason that their disorder stems from an unshakeable belief that they can do no wrong.
Narcissists often have an unrealistic sense of entitlement. They also lack empathy and find it hard to see other people’s points of view. They are often pre-occupied with status, money, and power.
Their looks can be something they obsess over and depression often starts in their forties when they start to appear older and lose their youthful looks. Many resort to plastic surgery and can hold distorted beliefs bordering on delusional.
Basic Diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
You might recognize some of the 7 common traits of narcissism in a colleague, parent, child, spouse, or a friend:
An inability to listen to others, and a lack of awareness of another person’s deadlines, time frames, interests or perspectives.
An inability to admit wrongdoing — even sometimes when presented with objective evidence of their errors or behavior.
Coldness, or overly practical responses to interpersonal relationships; a sense of distance or matter-of-factness, emotionally.
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