What to do when you feel depressed
When you feel depressed it feels like nothing is going right. I’ve experienced depression in the past and I know the warning signs. Self-criticism increases and my thinking takes on a negative hue. Withdrawing from others and hunker down for the ‘storm’ ahead is another one of my usual reactions. I’ve had thoughts that the world is against me — clearly unhelpful!
Depression is debilitating. Ignore anyone who is ignorant enough to tell you to “pull yourself together” or “move on and get over it”. It’s just not that simple and it’s usually someone who has never been depressed who says something like that.
The good news is that depression is manageable and even curable.
Here are my top tips for when you feel depressed
Acknowledge your depressed thinking
When I feel depressed, I know not to trust my thinking. Depression distorts your perceptions and your view of the world isn’t accurate. Negative thinking is the order of the day when you’re depressed. Accept that your brain is slightly ‘pickled’ from the hormonal imbalance and don’t pay your thoughts too much attention. Feeling like the world is out to get you and there everything is hopeless is very common when you feel depressed.
Focus on your behaviour
Get out of your head and into activity. Some individuals sleep more when they are depressed. It isn’t uncommon to sleep late into the afternoon as a way to escape thinking and feeling miserable.